Dr. Ing. Dmitry Vlasenko
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2011 - present Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, Germany
2009-2011 Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
2001-2009 Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
1998-2001 Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty, St. Petersburg State University, Russia
1994-1998 Mechanics and Mathematics Department, Novosibirsk State University, Russia
B. Hahn, D. Vlasenko, S. Gaile (2018): Detailed Cage Analysis Using Caba3D, in 73rd STLE Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Minneapolis 20-24 May 2018
D. Vlasenko (2017): Dynamical simulation of rolling bearings with elastic parts in CABA3D, in EUROMECH Colloquium 578, Rolling Contact Mechanics for Multibody System Dynamics, Funchal Madeira
D. Vlasenko (2017): Modal reduction of elastic cages in CABA3D, In: Tagungsband Antriebstechnisches Kolloquium ATK 2017, Aachen 07-08 March 2017
V. Makhavikou, R. Kasper, D. Vlasenko (2016): Evaluation of line-fitting method of model order reduction, in: In: ECCOMAS 2016 : Proceedings. - Vienna; 2016, ID 619
D. Vlasenko, M. Dintchev (2015): Simulation of Bearing Dynamics with CABA3D, Smart, effizient, mobil : 12. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage ; 30. September und 1. Oktober 2015. - Magdeburg : Univ.; 2015
V. Makhavikou, D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2015): Line-fitting method of model order reduction in a context of elastic multibody simulation, in: Smart, effizient, mobil : 12. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage ; 30. September und 1. Oktober 2015. - Magdeburg : Univ.; 2015
D. Vlasenko, H. Golbach, M. Dinchev (2015): Dynamical simulation of elastic cages, in: NAFEMS World Congress 2015, San Diego 21-24 June 2015
D. Vlasenko, M. Dintchev (2013): Development of Industrial Software for the Simulation of Bearing Dynamics CABA3D, in: 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), July 20 - 25, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
V. Makhavikou, D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2013): Alternative method of model reduction for flexible multibody systems, In: Effizienz, Prazision, Qualtitat. - Magdeburg : Univ., insges. 10 S., 2013 ; Kongress: Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage; 11 (Magdeburg) : 2013.09.25-26
R. Kasper, D. Vlasenko (2010): Modeling and control of a four wheel drive electric vehicle, In: The 1st Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics . - Lappeenranta : Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology, ISBN 978-952-214778-3, insges. 10 S., 2010 ; Kongress: IMSD; 1 (Lappenenranta, Finland) : 2010.05.25-27
D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2010): Comparison of modal reduction methods for the simulation of continuum multibodies, In: The 1st Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics . - Lappeenranta : Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology, ISBN 978-952-214778-3, insges. 10 S., 2010 ; Kongress: IMSD; 1 (Lappenenranta, Finland) : 2010.05.25-27
D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2009): Modelling and simulation of multibodies in mechatronic systems , in: Kasper, Roland u.a. (Hrsg.), Forschung in Bewegung. 9. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage, 30.09.-01.10.2009, Magdeburg 2009, S. 218–223
Y. Chumachenko, D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2009): Modellierung und Simulation von Mehrkörpersystemen mit ANSYS In: Forschung in Bewegung . - Magdeburg : Univ., ISBN 978-3-940961-36-5, S. 153-159, 2009, Kongress: Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage; 9 (Magdeburg) : 2009.09.30-10.01
D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2009): Implementation of consequent stabilization method for simulation of multibodies described in absolute coordinates Multibody System Dynamics, vol. 22, no. 3, pages 297-319, October 2009.
D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2009): Successive Projection Method for the Simulation of Spatial Dynamics of Multibodies Proceedings of Multibody Dynamics 2009 (ECCOMAS Thematic Conference), Warsaw, Poland, June 29 - July 2, 2009
D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2009): Spatial Kinematics of Gears in Absolute Coordinates Proceedings of Industrial Simulation Conference (ISC) 2009, Loughborough, UK, June 1–3, 2009
D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2009): Stabilization Methods for Simulation of Multibody Dynamics Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanics "Fifth Polyakhov's Reading”, St.-Peterburg, Russia, February 3–6, 2009.
D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2008): Generation of Equations of Motion in Reference Frame Formulation for FEM Models Engineering Letters, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp. 537-544.
D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2008): Method of Transformation from Inertial to Reference Frame Formulation of Flexible Multibody Systems Proceedings of 2008 International Conference of Mechanical Engineering (ICME 08), London, UK, 2-4 July, 2008.
D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2008): Implementation of the Symbolic Simplification for the Calculation of Accelerations of Multibodies. Proceedings of Industrial Simulation Conference 2008, Lyon, France, 9-11 June, 2008.
R. Kasper, D. Vlasenko, G. Sintotskiy (2007): A Component Oriented Approach to Multidisciplinary Simulation of Mechatronic Systems. Proceedings of the EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation (EUROSIM 2007), September 9-13 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2007): Integration Method of CAD Systems Proceedings of the ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2007 September 4-7, 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2007): Sparse Matrix Method for Component-Oriented Dynamic Simulation of Multibodies in VSD Software Proceedings of Multibody Dynamics 2007 (ECCOMAS Thematic Conference), Milan, Italy, June 25-28 June, 2007
D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2007): A New Software Approach for the Simulation of Multibody Dynamics. ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 2, Issue 3, 2007, pp. 274-278.
D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2006): Algorithm for Component Based Simulation of Multibody Dynamics. Technische Mechanik, Band 26, Heft 2, (2006), pp. 92-105.
D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2006): Comparison of Simulation of Constrained Multibody Dynamics Using Relative and Absolute Coordinates. Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanics "Fourth Polyakhov's Reading”, St.-Peterburg, Russia, February 7–10 2006.
R. Kasper, D. Vlasenko (2005): Component Based Virtual Models of Mechanical Parts of Mechatronic Systems. Proceedings of 7. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany, October 11-12 2005.
D. Vlasenko, R. Kasper (2005): Modular Forward Dynamic Simulation of Constrained Mechanical Systems. Proceedings of ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Advances in Computational Multibody Dynamics, Madrid, Spain, June 21-24, 2005.
R. Kasper, D. Vlasenko (2004): Method for Distributed Forward Dynamic Simulation of Constrained Mechanical Systems. 5th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation. 6.-10.9.2004, S. 28, Paris. EUROSIM-FRANCOSIM-ARGESIM, Volume I, ISBN 3-901608-28-1 (Book of Abstracts); Volume II, ISBN 3-901608-28 (Full Papers CD Volume).
R. Kasper, D. Vlasenko (2003): Method for Distributed Forward Dynamic Simulation of Constrained Mechanical Systems, Proceedings of 6. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany, September 24-26 2003.
D. Vlasenko (2003): Building the Mathematical Model of the Hybrid Manipulator, Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanics " Third Polyakhov's Reading”, St.-Peterburg, Russia, February 4–6 2003.
D. Vlasenko (1998): Arithmetic progressions of morphisms, Proceedings of Siberian Conference on Operation Research (SCOR'98), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 22-27 1998.
Institute of Mobile Systems, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany, 2008-2015
Lecturer in Dynamics of Robotic Systems.
Student advising in the development and simulation of multibody systems (radio-controlled cars, robots, etc.).
Institute of Mechatronics and Drives, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany, 2005
Student advising in the development and simulation of car models.
Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, 2000
Teaching Assistant for the data base course.